President’s Message – October 2023

Fred Evans, president


We were honored several months ago to have Interim Police Chief Peter Pacillas speak to us. Many of us who heard him felt that the right person for the Chief’s position was already working in that capacity. We are pleased that Interim City Manager Westin agreed and selected Peter Pacillas as our new police chief. From his presentation, it became obvious that he understands our community and its needs and problems. He also has many years of police experience and understands the El Paso Police Department’s needs and problems. As an El Pasoan already on the job, there will be no “learning curve” for Chief Pacillas and we look forward to a continuing good relationship between Five Points and our police department and ongoing improvements and effectiveness of the department.

I am certain that by now everyone is aware of Representative Alexsandra Annello’s resignation from her position as District 2 Representative. In my opinion this is a major loss for our district. Representative Annello has been a strong advocate for all her constituents which, of course includes Five Points. We might not always agree but she has listened and kept us abreast of city actions that directly affect us. She has spoken to us often and been our installing officer during her terms. She has graciously agreed to do this one more time this December. One must realize Representative Annello’s situation. She will reach her term limit in December 2024. If she desires to continue serving her constituency, one way is the way she has chosen and that is to run for Representative from District 77 of the Texas House of Representatives. District 77 includes Five Points and other areas in City District 2. Announcing her choice required that she resign from City Council. We express our appreciation for her outstanding service to District 2 and Five Points and wish her well in her future endeavors. As of this writing, the candidates for District 77 are Representative Annello and former County Commissioner Vince Perez. They will compete in the March 2024 Democrat Party primary. Current Representative Lina Ortega has chosen not to run for reelection.

Representative Annello”s resignation brings forth the obvious question of what now? City Council has set a special election for December 9th to replace Representative Annello. At this writing, Veronica Carbajal, a local attorney and activist, and Dr. Josh Acevedo, EPISD Trustee for District 3 that includes Five Points. Many of you may recall that Dr. Acevedo has spoken to us twice, most recently last month when his candor in assessing EPISD’s problems and future in our District was appreciated.

We are prohibited from endorsing candidates for political office and have worked diligently to avoid any actions that might be misconstrued, specifically not entertaining speaking engagements by individual candidates—only conducting candidate forums to which all candidates are invited.

There is very little time before the City Council December 9th election. If we were to hold a candidate forum, it would have to be a special meeting. If members desire such a forum, they should let the Board Members know. We will see what we can arrange and must be sure that our attendance will justify the candidates’ time.

For the District 77 Democrat Party March 2024 primary, your Board will try to plan a candidate forum for one of our regular meetings.


All members have received copies of the bylaws proposed and recommended by your Board. As I said in my message that accompanied them, this version of our bylaws is to adopt bylaws since our records do not contain an adopted version, to reconcile two slightly differing versions that have been discovered in searching existing records, and to codify long-standing practices that have worked without problems or complaint.  I urge you to attend the October 18th meeting that will begin at 11:30 for consideration of the bylaws with a vote promptly at noon.


November is election time for Five Points Development Association. The membership elects the Board Members who in turn elect the Officers from among the Board Members. At the November meeting, the Nominating Committee will present its report, nominations from the floor will be called for and the election will be conducted by secret ballot. Installation of Board Members will take place at the December Christmas Party.

October Speaker

Col (Rt'd) Cary Westin
Col (Rt’d) Cary Westin

October’s program will be Col. (Ret’d) Cary Westin, El Paso’s Interim City Manager. I have heard Col. Westin on several occasions since he was appointed and have spoken to him personally. He has resided in El Paso for over 20 years, has a long career in El Paso municipal government and has expressed his desire to make the most positive contributions he can during his time as Interim City Manager. I find him to be much different than the previous city manager in style, manner and outlook.  He will speak on his broad view of the City and his objectives during his time in office. I think all our members will find Col. Westin’s presentation informative and welcome. Bring a guest and let’s have a good turnout.