At today’s membership meeting, we received a most informative presentation about transportation projects being discussed in Five Points and the larger El Paso area. Roger Williams, the Interim Executive Director of the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization provided us with an amazing amount of information, displayed maps, and answered questions that helped us understand upcoming traffic flow problems and various solutions being discussed. Please say a big, “Thank you!,” to Mr. Williams whenever you have an opportunity.
NOTE: There was much more information shared today than is highlighted below. Join us in person at our membership meetings each month. (request information)
Montana Overpass Near Cotton
The project being considered by
Reimagine I-10
Our interstate is aging and at some point will require massive renovation. When that happens, traffic will be impossible to manage unless provision is made. We had the opportunity to ask questions and express concerns in response to the plans as they are currently developing. This photo shows one of the concepts being proposed for I-10 where it passes through downtown El Paso.
The website for this project includes instructions for how to communicate with TxDOT about any concerns you may have:
Borderland Expressway
A new route for through-traffic could divert vehicles around El Paso, to the north, through the Anthony Gap. Here is the graphic we were shown today that shows how it could provide relief when I-10 is being rebuilt.