Great Updates About Changes in Five Points

At this month’s Five Points Development Association membership meeting, held at Ray’s on Pershing, we learned about some of the planning taking place for improvements in Five Points.

Sam Rodriguez, the City Engineer and Director of Capital Improvements for the City of El Paso, provided us with updates on several projects that impact Five Points.  Here are two of the projects of which he shared details:

Brio – Sun Metro – Mr Rodriguez shared updated completion dates for the Brio Bus Lines that will connect to our Five Points terminal (the Montana Line, the Dyer Line, and the Alameda Line).  The Dyer line should be completed in the next few months.  The Brio Buses will radically improve coverage of these bus routes that bring people into and through Five Points.

Sun City Lights – You may remember the launch of the Sun City Lights project in 2016 designed to, “Identify and reinvigorate historic neighborhoods such as: Kern Place, Five Points, Paseo de las Luces, and the Mission Trail Heritage Corridor. (KTSM News, 2016)” .  Project funding for Five Points was approved last April to built Arches or Spires on main street corners to artfully show people they are in our historic community.  The design phase is about to start.